Bill Nichols’ Prescription:Comics 10ccs of the Process withJasmine Redford What inspires you to create and keeps you going? Mortality, honestly. I have so many projects and ideas swimming in my head and the idea that many of them will die with me is...
Bill Nichols’ Prescription:Comics 10ccs of the Process withJacob Edgar What inspires you to create and keeps you going? I don’t think I could turn it off, at this point. I’ve been drawing as far back as I can remember and drawing comics since I was ten years old. I...
Bill Nichols’ Prescription:Comics 10ccs of the Process withIan Ascher What inspires you to create and keeps you going? This is a good question to start with because I’ve been out of the game for a while now and looking to start writing again. There have been days,...
Bill Nichols’ Prescription:Comics 10ccs of the Process withGreg Harms What inspires you to create and keeps you going? I have stories I want to tell, art I want to produce. Once I decide on something I’m very tenacious about getting it done. Sometimes to a fault, I...
Bill Nichols’ Prescription:Comics 10ccs of the Process withFrank A. Kadar What inspires you to create and keeps you going? There are so many things that inspire me. Life, movies, music, comics, artists are just a few things that inspire me. Do you have a set...