Cover Production Part 4 Compositing

Cover Production Part 4 Compositing

We are at that magical moment in the project when we bring all the characters together, and we arrange them into a pleasing composition. This can be so much fun! You can arrange and rearrange elements as you see fit, tweeking positions until everything looks just right.

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Cover Production Part 3 Redendering

Cover Production Part 3 Redendering

There are lots of different ways to render digital art, and I’ve tried and used them all over time. It’s the nature of the medium to encourage experimentation, after all. For this piece, I worked dark to light. On each section I would lasso the area I wanted to light, and use the airbrush to spray into the middle or end of the “cut,” the end closer to the light source. This is a variation of the old “cut and grad” style of coloring.

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Cover Production Part 1 Reference

Cover Production Part 1 Reference

Johnny Saturn Cover Production Part 1 by Scott StoryHello! My name is Scott Story, and I’m an author and artist from the Midwest. I’m probably best known as the artist and co-writer of Johnny Saturn, but you might have seen my work in any number of indie comics over...

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