Steve Stegelin’s Anatomy of a Pinup: Joust Edition
One of the things I’ve missed most with the lack of comic conventions in the wake of COVID-19 is the opportunity to visit the host cities. Return to a convention enough times, and some places...
Cover Production Part 4 Compositing
Johnny Saturn Cover Production Part 4 by Scott StoryWelcome back for the Cover Production wrap up! My name is Scott Story, and I’m an author and artist from the Midwest. I’m probably best known as...
Jeremy ORyan Drawing Faces
Jeremy O'Ryan "Skarekro" Six Steps to Drawing Stylized Faces1. First draw a circle. Very Simple. 2. Decide what direction and angle you want the face to point, and draw an angled cross. 3. At the...
Scott Story’s Drawing Board OGRE ALE 5
OGRE ALE V from Scott Story's Drawing Board Hello again! Scott Story here, author, artist, Johnny Saturn publisher. Making this ogre has been a lot of fun, but we are getting near the end. COLOR...