Bill Nichols’ Prescription:
Comics 10ccs of the Process with
Graham Nolan
Many fans will always associate Graham Nolan with his work on the Batman comic but perhaps moreso for his part as being co-creator of Bane. These days he is pursuing several of his own creator-owned projects like The Chenoo, Alien Alamo, Monster Island, and others
What inspires you to create and keeps you going?
I have no idea. I suppose it’s just the nature of creative people. Ideas just pop into your head.
Do you have a set routine?
Yes, I get up around 6am, have breakfast and coffee then go to the gym. I get back, shower and start my work day around 10:30. I’ll work until dinner and go back after dinner til 9. If I am writing a script, I will get out of the studio to work out ideas.
What kind of output do you try to achieve?
A page of pencils and inks per day would be perfect but not always achievable.
What inspires you WHEN you create? Music? Noise? Silence?
Quiet. Everything else is a distraction.
Who was the first comic book creator that influenced you to pursue this?
Probably, John Romita. His is the first work I remember recognizing
When did you realize you could follow this path yourself?
I WANTED to do it since I was 12 years old. I don’t know when I felt that I COULD do it.
What do you find to be a challenge in creating?
Staring at a blank page. Doesn’t matter if it’s a blank artboard or a blank script page.
What else do you have to learn?
What keeps you motivated to get better?
I’m never satisfied. I see every mistake on every project I’ve ever done.
Can you turn your brain (creativity) off (and on)?
Yes. When you stare at that blank page and inspiration fails you, you turn to craft to get you over the hump
Booster Shots
What advice do you have for aspiring creators?
Get out and live a real life. Your best inspirations will come from what you know.
Do you ever worry about running out of ideas?
How do you handle the slow times?
When things are slow, that’s the best time to focus on ideas and projects of your own.
How do you feel about the industry?
I think it’s a time of incredible opportunity for creatives. You no longer need to seek “permission” to get published. You can do it yourself and build your own fan base.
DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed by the above creator are theirs. This interview may not
be reprinted or reposted without permission.
Bill Nichols
Author, Artist, Editor for
Bill is the creator of Arteest & Ursula comics, writer for Ringtail Cafe, co-creator of Savage Family, writer and inker of HellGirl: Demonseed. Editor for ShoutFyre and Sketch Magazine. Co-author of Camelot Forever novel series.