Bill Nichols’ Prescription:
10ccs of the Process with
Jamal Igle

What inspires you to create and keeps you going?

Panic, more than anything else. Okay, that’s not completely true but more often than not having a deadline and keeping it helps motivate me to work. In general I’ve always been very self motivated, but I find the form of comics fascinating from a production standpoint. Comics as a storytelling medium is much more personal than say film or television. For me, the combination of my love of literature and art has a bit of purity to it.

Do you have a set routine?

I wake up early, around 5 a.m. and depending on whether I’m headed out to the gym or running, I try to be out the door by 5:45- 6:00 am. I have to walk the door, take my kid to her school bus, eat breakfast, get myself dressed and ready to sit down at the desk by 10 am and I work until 5pm most days. I’m Mr. Mom, so I have a very set schedule each day.

What kind of output do you try to achieve?

A page a day, depending on my schedule. Sometimes more, sometimes less but at least 4 pages a week.

What inspires you WHEN you create? Music? Noise? Silence?

I listen to a lot of politically base talk radio, NPR, Progressive politics, and comedy podcasts like The Mike O’mera show and The Irrelevant Show.

Who was the first comic book creator who influenced you to pursue this?

The first artist whose work I knew and followed was Jerry Ordway on Infinity Inc., Then John Byrne became the BMOC in comics.

When did you realize you could follow this path yourself?

I don’t think it really coalesced for me until freshman year of high school, so 14. I knew I wanted to do something in comics but it wasn’t until I got to take the tour of Marvel’s offices that I realized the extent of the business side of comics.


What do you find to be a challenge in creating?

Keeping things fresh, learning different aspects of the job over the years. I’m not the visual chameleon that Stuart Immomen or Tony Harris are stylistically, so I play with storytelling more than anything else. Since I’ve taught myself to ink and color, it’s allowed me to understand those parts of the process and adjust my work to cater to them, depending on the subject.

What else do you have to learn?

To be a better artist overall. Speed is my biggest weakness, I’ve gotten older and I’m not as fast as I was a few years ago. I’d like to be a better colorist, a better inker. I’m still uncomfortable inking “straight to the board”, even though I’ve done it. There’s still a lot of hesitation after so many years as simply a penciller.

What keeps you motivated to get better?

My massive insecurities and the need to prove the critics wrong, lol.

Can you turn your brain (creativity) off (and on)?

Not really. I’m always thinking of story ideas but I can “not draw” when I have to. I just have a had time just drawing for the sake of drawing.


Booster Shots

What advice do you have for aspiring creators?

Be patient and listen to advice when it’s offered.

Do you ever worry about running out of ideas?

Occasionally, but at the same time, I always seem to be able to refuel the tank by reading a book or watching a movie.

How do you handle the slow times?

I haven’t really had a slow time in over a decade, to be honest, so I don’t know.

How do you feel about the industry?

It’s a screwed-up, insular little community that i would have a hard time not being a part of. I’ve been told pro wrestling is worse.

What would you say is your crowning achievement thus far?

Molly Danger. nothing beats working on your own properties.


DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed by the above creator are theirs. This interview may not be reprinted or reposted without permission.




Bill Nichols

Author, Artist, Editor for
Bill is the creator of Arteest & Ursula comics, writer for Ringtail Cafe, co-creator of Savage Family, writer and inker of HellGirl: Demonseed. Editor for ShoutFyre and Sketch Magazine. Co-author of Camelot Forever novel series.