Interviews, Features and Chats
Sketchy Conversations: An Interview with Butch Mapa
Sketchy Conversations: An Interview with Butch Mapa There’s nothing like a pandemic to make the world seem small. In this uncertain time, I started checking in with various friends and creative...
Jasmin Redford Interview
Bill Nichols’ Prescription:Comics 10ccs of the Process withJasmine Redford What inspires you to create and keeps you going? Mortality, honestly. I have so many projects and ideas swimming...
Jacob Edgar Interview
Bill Nichols’ Prescription:Comics 10ccs of the Process withJacob Edgar What inspires you to create and keeps you going? I don’t think I could turn it off, at this point. I’ve been drawing as far...
Ian Ascher Interview
Bill Nichols’ Prescription:Comics 10ccs of the Process withIan Ascher What inspires you to create and keeps you going? This is a good question to start with because I’ve been out of the game for a...
Greg Harms Interview
Bill Nichols’ Prescription:Comics 10ccs of the Process withGreg Harms What inspires you to create and keeps you going? I have stories I want to tell, art I want to produce. Once I decide on...
Frank Kadar Interview
Bill Nichols’ Prescription:Comics 10ccs of the Process withFrank A. Kadar What inspires you to create and keeps you going? There are so many things that inspire me. Life, movies, music, comics,...
Flops Interview
Bill Nichols’ Prescription:Comics 10ccs of the Process withFlops! What inspires you to create and keeps you going? I'm lucky to get flashes of inspiration from people I adore every time I go on...
Erica Schultz Interview
Bill Nichols’ Prescription:Comics 10ccs of the Process withErica Schultz What inspires you to create and keeps you going? The voices in my head. I mostly run on piss and vinegar, and, to be honest,...
Dean Zachary Interview
Bill Nichols’ Prescription:Comics 10ccs of the Process withDean Zachary Dean is one of the many talented creators working on Roland Mann’s relaunched comics line Silverline Comics -Bill What...
Chris Noeth Interview
Bill Nichols’ Prescription:Comics 10ccs of the Process withChris Noeth What inspires you to create and keeps you going? I had comics since I was 3 years old. A time before I could even read thanks...
Bob Quinn Interview
Bill Nichols’ Prescription:Comics 10ccs of the Process withBob Quinn What inspires you to create and keeps you going? You’ve probably heard someone say that art is a journey not a destination, and...