Bill Nichols’ Prescription:
Comics 10ccs of Lovern Kindzierski
What inspires you to create and keeps you going?
Almost anything can inspire me. I try to pay attention to what is going on all round me as I might get a spark from even the most unexpected things.
Do you have a set routine?
I have a several sets of routines. However whether I am writing or colouring I like to get my emails and Facebook out of the way and then have breakfast. After that I can sit down for a good block of uninterrupted time. I like to get in at least 8 hours a day, but there are times which life just decides your priorities for you.
What kind of output do you try to achieve?
I always want to meet my deadlines whatever they may be.
What inspires you WHEN you create? Music? Noise? Silence?
I have tinnitus, so the last thing I want is silence. I like to listen to music and find that it can motivate me to really apply myself or, at the very least keep boredom at bay.
Who was the first comic book creator that influenced you to pursue this?
The first comic artist I copied was Steve Ditko. The comic artist I met in real life that inspired me was Richard Comely.
When did you realize you could follow this path yourself?
I believe I really understood that I could be a comic book artist was in high school. I had a breakthrough in my drawing and felt that I had what it takes.
What do you find to be a challenge in creating?
I find it difficult to boil down one of my fully developed worlds into an itty bitty pitch.
What else do you have to learn?
OMG! Everything all of the time.
What keeps you motivated to get better?
All of the amazingly talented writers and artists that I work with everyday.
Can you turn your brain (creativity) off (and on)?
I don’t know how anyone can turn their brain off even for a second. Is this a trick question?
Booster Shots
What advice do you have for aspiring creators?
Don’t ever avoid trying to learn something!
Do you ever worry about running out of ideas?
Just, no!
How do you handle the slow times?
I have some savings and I find there is always work that needs doing even if is for lesser page rates than I hope for.
How do you feel about the industry?
I love the industry and and I am totally flummoxed as to why it isn’t doing better.
Bill Nichols
Author, Artist, Editor for
Bill is the creator of Arteest & Ursula comics, writer for Ringtail Cafe, co-creator of Savage Family, writer and inker of HellGirl: Demonseed. Editor for ShoutFyre and Sketch Magazine. Co-author of Camelot Forever novel series.