Bill Nichols’ Prescription:
Comics 10ccs Mike Deodato
What inspires you to create and keeps you going?
Sounds corny but it is the truth: my love for comics. I love to draw. Can’t imagine my life without it. Comics are such a rich and complex art form and I have so much to learn and experiment. This is the best part, the discovery, the learning.
Do you have a set routine?
I just work all day, stopping only to gather with family, exercise and to watch movies/tv series.
What kind of output do you try to achieve?
I want the reader to forget he is reading a book. I want him to get so immersed in the story he will forget everything around him. I also want him to get that feeling of awe when you are in front of an inspiring work of art.
What inspires you WHEN you create? Music? Noise? Silence?
Music and silence. Noise only gets me mad. I love to draw very early in the morning when there is no one around. Music is wonderful to create too. Beatles, Queen, ELO, Green Day, New Pornographers…
Who was the first comic book creator that influenced you to pursue this?
My dad. He created the first comic book in my state in Brazil in 1963. We ended up working together for several years before I started working in the US.
When did you realize you could follow this path yourself?
I was 13 when I decided that I wanted to be a comic book creator.
What do you find to be a challenge in creating?
Starting and finishing them. Having the ideas is the easiest part.
What else do you have to learn?
SO much. I am constantly studying the work of artists I admire. If I had to mention something, that would be negative space and body language, but there is tons more. Even my narrative that I consider good I still have a lot to improve.
What keeps you motivated to get better?
Just the joy of learning and improving itself. I feel great when I finish a page/sequence that really works.
Can you turn your brain (creativity) off (and on)?
I can turn it on, but i dunno how to turn it off.
Booster Shots
What advice do you have for aspiring creators?
Just do comics. Don’t wait to be “discovered” by a big company. Just do your own thing.
Do you ever worry about running out of ideas?
No, never. I worry about not being able to execute them, like losing my vision or something like that. That would be devastating for me.
How do you handle the slow times?
SInce I started doing comics in the US in 1991 I have never been out of work. I am lucky, I guess. Even nowadays, with the industry suffering with the pandemic, I keep doing my projects at AWA at the same pace.
How do you feel about the industry?
The pandemic is slowing it down a bit but it will recover and will get back stronger.
Do you have a website you want to promote or direct people to?
Bill Nichols
Author, Artist, Editor for
Bill is the creator of Arteest & Ursula comics, writer for Ringtail Cafe, co-creator of Savage Family, writer and inker of HellGirl: Demonseed. Editor for ShoutFyre and Sketch Magazine. Co-author of Camelot Forever novel series.